
Pro-Cannabis.net is for you if you share the viewpoint that the legalization of cannabis, marijuana, ganja, dope or whatever you want to call it, is the responsible way to go. Cannabis has been grown from seed since time began, so what rights do the politicians have to link this relativly harmless drug with other narcotics?

Most countries throughout the world have a deep seated history and culture of use of marijuana. In some countries it could be their main industrial product, with hemp as being one of the most versatile products imaginable.

With it strength and fast growing characteristics, hemp can be used for making cloth that is virtually indistructable. It is said that Levis stopped using it because their jeans never wore out!. It can also be processed to be used as fuel.

Join our fast membership, and we can demonstrate to the politicians that they have got it wrong. We need your support. All details will be kept confidential, but we need to be able to quote how many supporters we have.

Use our Forums, Guestbook and Chat rooms to voice your opinion.

There are plenty of stories of peoples lives shattered because they have been branded a criminal for smoking the odd joint. I speak from experience.

My Pledge is to, (while I have time), make a statement that will help others in the future. Pro-Cannabis.net will be a profit sharing organisation, with 50% of the profits split between active ‘Joint’ members and supporting charity organisations that need funding.

Getting a project like this off the ground is a big task, that is why I am offering incentives to you for assisting to build up content and traffic. Note, there is little advertising on the site – and while in the pre-launch phase, will not attract any. However, you can take this opportunity to become a charter member (Free) and any assistance will be gratefully accepted and rewarded.

Initially this will be by ways of monthly prizes for the Top Joint members. Post launch when I have an income stream, I shall be looking for members to be elligable for serious discounts in the Shop (being built) with more substantial rewards for active members.